Driving profitable and efficient operations for process life


Nitrogen Services

• Identifies leaks in excess of predetermined spec
• Industry’s preferred method of checking joint integrity and preparing hydrocarbon process facilities for leak-free start up
• Frees the system of oxygen prior to start up


A strength test is always required for new piping and associated vessels to ensure the following:
• Safety
• Reliability of operation
• Leak tightness of
pressure systems
All work is conducted under rigid procedures and according to code, ensuring total control at all times.

Air Services

• Variety of effective drying techniques for process systems that are sensitive to moisture
• Suitable for complex plant configurations with multiple vent points
• Equipment can be crossutilized for air blowing, pneumatic strength testing and purging (w. membrane nitrogen)

Chemical Cleaning

• Environmentally friendly non toxic and non hazardous cleansing fluids
• Non classified and carries CEFAS approval (Gold Band).
• Degreasing, descaling, passivation
• Cleaning of critical compressor/turbine associated pipework post assembly

Temporary Flaring

• Regulate and ensure low emissions using the patented, hi-lo variable flare tip
• Self-erecting, trailermounted for small operations or as a modular system for a long-term cost-effective solution
• Clean and efficient burn of waste gases, even if gas flow rate continuously changes

Lube Oil & Hydraulic
Oil Flushing

A fluid circulation process designed to remove contaminants and decomposition from a lubrication-based system
• Improves lifecycle ofb rotating equipment and reduces
• Follows industry best practices and ISO cleanliness codes to minimize risk to people and equipment